Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sunday Stills (3-18-12 Transitions)

This week's Sunday Stills photo challenge is Transitions, going from one form to another. I couldn't think of anything really good. Here's my attempt:

Hopefully, this small bush we transplanted will grow as big as the big tree in the background.

I'm pulling hair off of Nadia by the fistfulls. Alas, no transformation photo yet of the beautiful, sleek coated Arabian she is, underneath all that hair.

Sophie Rose is over four months old now. One day, she will be as big and beautiful as her mama, Louise. 

For more Sunday Stills, please visit Ed's website.


Terry and Linda said...

I love your header! Spring is coming...shedding horses and growing babies beautiful!


Your owl photo is really cool!

Achieve1dream said...

Great photos. I'm amazed at how much fur you pulled off with just your hand!! I thought Chrome was shedding a lot, but wow, not that much lol.