Saturday, January 17, 2015

Life Happens.

A few people have asked if I will ever blog again and this prompted me to post a universal reply. All I can say is,

Life Happens.

I've been in a downward spiral for a while now:

I lost my job, the white car died, lost Nadia, lost my cat, daughter has been very sick, lots of other stuff...

On the flipside: I've got a new job, replaced the car with an even older one but less mileage, took a train vacation to Chicago to see the "David Bowie Is" exhibit, my Mom is living with me, we're mostly healthy...

I continue to take random road trips and still use my camera a lot, so, maybe, I will start posting again. I hardly go on the internet anymore, but maybe it's time to revisit blogging. I have received a few inquiries over the past years (has it been that long?) so maybe I will. I did enjoy keeping a photo journal of my life when I was posting. I cannot promise regular posts but I will try.


Shirley said...

Oh yay! Was great to see your post in my blogger feed; I've been wondering about you!
Yes, sometimes life kicks you in the butt. Sorry to hear about Nadia- but look at you riding your little black filly! She looks great and you look happy to be riding her.
Even random posts will be welcome you know.

BrownEyed Cowgirl said...

So sorry to hear that it's been a rough year. I know that last time I called to check on you, you didn't sound like your cheerful self. Hopefully 2015 is a better year and we hear more from you again. Missed ya!!

Achieve1dream said...

I'm so sorry about Nadia and your cat and your daughter. :( I hope your daughter is doing okay and getting better.

I was so excited to see a post on your blog and I really hope you start blogging again even if it is once a month or so. I hope all of the other critters are doing well!

Sherry Sikstrom said...

so sorry about the sad times, and the losses, but you are an amazing lady,and you will overcome! Glad to hear an update and hope to read more and see pics