Monday, February 28, 2011

Nothing would be quite the same

Can anyone guess what's wrong with this photo? 

Nothing would be quite the same - song: Who Can I Be Now, artist: David Bowie, album: Young Americans


juliette said...

I hope everything is ok?

Fantastyk Voyager said...

Everything's fine! It's just not as it should be. Can you guess? Look closely at Scout from his head to the tail.

Fantastyk Voyager said...

Hint- look at his sidebar photo...

Shirley said...

What happened to his spots? Hopefully they'll come back when he sheds out.

Anonymous said...

Spotless appy?!!

KarenTX said...

It's two horses!! LOL Scout & Yalla!

Fantastyk Voyager said...

Karen TX is right! Those spots don't change. I caught it at just the right angle to show Yalla and Scout together- no photoshopping.

Dan and Betty said...

I'm glad Karen TX got it right. I wouldn't have any idea.

Neat photo.


Laughing Orca Ranch said...

lol! Very clever! It's all about the angles and positions of the subjects and photographer. :D

Cool shot!


Jessie said...

Ha! I would have never guessed! Sure looks like just one horse. Great shot! :)

juliette said...

Oh! So great!!!!! Perfect timing - you sure had me fooled. That Yalla! is getting so big that she fits right in beside Scout.

Achieve1dream said...

That is so awesome! I read the comments so I didn't get to guess but I don't think I would have seen it. Wow! Great picture.

BrownEyed Cowgirl said...

Yea, I don't think I would have been able to figure that out either. I was looking at Scout's spine and thought...that hock looks like it's at the wrong angle...but never would have guessed that was 2 horse.

Excellent shot! LOL

Rising Rainbow said...

I didn't guess two horses either although I was thinking the lack of spots was very weird. LOL

Reddunappy said...

LOL I was going to say Yallas butt and Scouts head! LOL

Shirley said...

Who'da thunk! Great shot, it's seamless!

Unknown said...

Too fun! Yalla is getting so big!

Ed said...

cool shot I had to go back and look colser.. Well done..:-)