Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sunday Stills (Spring Preview 02/13/11)

Ed said to go to the archives for this one. Here are some Lilac buds covered with snow.
Iris blooms are my favorite flowers.
More purple flower, how about a field full?

Even the Rocky Mountains bloom in the spring.

Spring is the time for my Barn Swallows to build their nests
 and court each other.

And especially, I can't wait for sleek horses and green grass!

This morning, just for giggles, I wandered around looking for signs of Spring:

There's the tiniest buds on my Lilac bush.

Annie is shedding like crazy!

The birds are pairing up and discussing nest building.
And there's still mud, ice, and snow everywhere.
Overall, I think I like the memories better than the reality.

For more Sunday Stills, please visit here.


Dan and Betty said...

Nice pictures and a good reminder that Spring will come. Today's high of 59 degrees will help.

Our horses are starting to shed - the only thing I don't like about Spring.


Achieve1dream said...

Great pictures! Wow I can't believe how much Annie is shedding already. When I brushed Chrome today he had some hair coming off. I was so excited that he's started shedding. Spring really is on the way!

cdncowgirl said...

This will be our first spring here in our "new" home... really looking forward to seeing it for the first time.

You're so lucky your horses are starting to shed, mine are still holding onto that winter hair.

Shirley said...

I can almost small that iris! I have an orange one that's really pretty, and I can't wait to see it again! Not much snow left here.

Ed said...

Great shots..:-)

flowerweaver said...

Love the swallows! Can't wait for our family of swallows to return!

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Great series of photos. I can almost hear the barn swallows now.....

Love that pic of Yalla!
Saw her the other day. She looks to be lightening up, especially along her belly. Even saw a few long grey hairs in her mane :-O

Will be interesting to see how she sheds out this Spring.


Rising Rainbow said...

The shedding pic followed by the nest building one made me wonder. Do you find horse hair lining your bird's nests?

I know here we've found nests so thickly lined with horse hair and the birds seem to know how to weave it into place so there are no prickly ends and the nest is soft and cushy. Ingenious little creatures!

Love the spring pics. Can't wait for the real thing. LOL

Jessie said...

I can't wait for spring! A couple of my horses are really shedding, so I'm hopeful!! :)

Fantastyk Voyager said...

So far, it's only Annie shedding. The horses will shed for a long time, well into late spring or early summer before they're done.

RR- yes, I always find horse hair woven in to the nests, nice and soft.

Lisa- She does have a few white hairs in her mane but if you look at them they are dark at the root. Also, her tail doesn't have light underneath which is a tell-tale sign of gray. However, that said, yes, it should be interesting to see what she color sheds out to.

Jennifer MacNeill said...

Stunning photos! I can't wait for everything to start blooming again.

CTG Ponies said...

Pretty pics! I never thought I would be happy to see mud season.

Anonymous said...

great reminders of spring and summer!