Saturday, November 15, 2008

All you have to do is win

My favorite blogger, and number one reader of my blog, graciously awarded me this award.
Thank you!@!
All you have to do is win - song: Win, artist: David Bowie, album: Young Americans


Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Awww...Your welcome :)


Melanie said...

Congrats on you award!!! You are derfinitely a good friend to Lisa!

About those Arab's...yes, they are an amazing breed that can do anything! Of course, not all of them can do every discipline, but I have yet to see a QH that can work cattle and compete in a Saddle Seat or English Pleasure!!!
(Actually, I have, and they look quite awful!!!)

I have always ridden Arab's, but I have never had the privilege to ride a cowey one, and that is why I am so impressed with Waska's cowiness (don't you like how we make these words up??).

Too cool that your Arab comes from "cow lines."
Which horse of your's is it?
Oh and about China's eyes...I have no idea why Kristina calls her that, but I always want to ask I!!

PS-What are you studying in school??? I had no idea you were another crazy adult who was back in college!!!