Annie is by AH Gallant.

He is by *El Paso, Scottsdale Champion Stallion and U.S. National Champion Stallion, siring U.S. National Champion Mare, *Wizja.
Annie is out of Fantastka. Fantastka was the Polish National Champion mare in 1985, at age 10. Fantastka holds the record for the highest amount ever paid for a mare from Poland. She was purchased from Poland, pregnant with FORDON, for $240,000 in 1985. Two years later she was bred to BANDOS and produced Cable Cowboy in 1988. She's had at least 10 foals:
- 1981- Fant (x Wist)
- 1983- Fazenda (x Bandos)
- 1984- Falsifikat (x Argo)
- 1985- Farmal (x Eternit)
- 1986- Fordon (x Eternit)
- 1987- Fantos (x Bandos)
- 1988- Cable Cowboy (*Bandos x *Fantastka by Palas) was a Champion Halter stallion and a Liberty winner. He was broke to ride and would have made a beautiful western pleasure horse, but Magness decided to keep him home and use him strictly as a breeding stallion. They felt he was much too valuable to be hauling around to shows and would leave that up to his offspring.
Quoted from Magness website: "Cable Cowboy is the epitome of the Saklawi stallion -- a very successful representative of the Diamond cross of Bandos/ Palas. Cable Cowboy is one of the last sons of the immortal Bandos. Cable Cowboy's dam, Fantastka, was the 1985 Polish National Champion Mare. Cable Cowboy has proven himself as a valuable progenitor of the Ibrahim sire line for Magness Arabian Farms through a number of his outstanding get. The best of Cable Cowboys's offspring to date is DAPPAR COWBOY -- a winner in Scottsdale and at the National level as Amateur Owner Western Pleasure Horse." - 1992- Francheskaa (x Europejczyk)
- 1993- Fantastyk Gal (x AH Gallant)
- 1997- Monogramm Fantasy (x Monogramm)
Cable Cowboy
Fantastka's sire was Palas. "Palas (Aswan x Panel) The truly great influence of the Saklawi I line came when Palas was imported from Russia in 1972. He was by Aswan, the gift horse from Egypt, and out of the Nil daughter Panel which made him three quarter egyptian. Aswan was a gift from the egyptian government to Russia as a "thank you" for the help building the Aswan dam (hence the name change from Raafat to Aswan). The russians were first reluctant to use him as he was incorrect and didn't have any race record to talk about. As he was a gift between states and so that no offence would be given he was bred to a few mares. The foals were outstanding and far more correct than their sire and he was permanently installed as chief sire at Tersk.
Palas was a tremendous success as a sire and a perfect outcross as he was hardly related to any of the polish mares. His dam line Selma is represented in Poland but it is very scarce and present mainly through the descendants of *Pietuszok who was a full brother to Panel's dam Platina. The other mares of this dam line who were imported are Sardhana 1924 (Nureddin II x Selima, imp 1928 from Crabbet, Zlota Iwa and Rokiczana traces to her), Potencja imp from Russia in 1956 (full sister to *Pietuszok and Platina) and Tiwiriada imp from Russia in 1968 (her dam was maternal sister to *Pietuszok and Platina). Neither one of these branches are large but have left some quality individuals.
Palas himself was described by Andrzej Krzysztalowicz: " He had a hollow back, rounded croup, short neck and decent yet not impressive movement. His refined, lean head boasted a very good eye. Generally speaking, he was a very dry horse whose weak hocks were his only deficiency". He sired many sons as well as daughters who has been used all over the world. He combined very well with the Negatiw daughters and this created the polish "golden cross"." (Amberlea Equetrian Services website)
Fantastka's dam was Fanza. She had nine foals, two of them were mares.
One of Annie's granddams was Forta. She delivered an impressive 22 foals!!
Annie definitely comes from good breeding females which is why at 15 and still maiden, I believed she could carry a healthy foal.
She also has Aladdinn, Czort, Bandos, Negativ and Ofir breeding.
About the Polish Arabian:
The Poles loved these characteristics for their cavalry force. King Sigmund Augustus (1548-1572) had a Royal Stud farm, called Knyszn, that bred pure Arabians.
In the 17th century, Polish noblemen sent emissaries out to search for the noblest desert horses from the Middle East. Prince Sanguszko at Slawuta, Count Branicki at Bialocerkiew, Count Dzieduszycki at Jarczowce, and Count Potocki at Antoniny were some of the best known breeders. The studs at Gumniska and Antoniny were founded with mares from Slawuta .
In the 19th century, Polish Arabs contributed to breeding pure-breds and half-breeds. The Polish silver-grey Obejan Srebrny was born in 1851. He had a line that descended through his foals to the Russian stud farm Strelet that was later known as the Tersky. Tersky is a breed similar to the Russian Strelet, which was in danger of extinction. They were taken to the Tersk stud farm at Stravopol in the northern Caucasus Mountains in the former U.S.S.R. They were mated with purebred Arabs, Kabardins, and Dons. In 1948, the Tersky had emerged as an official breed. The Tersky was a tough athletic horse. Today they race against Arabs in endurance competitions, and are used in harness by the army. Terskys are good-natured in temperment.
The Polish stallion Bagdady became a Hungarian stud at Babolna stud farm, and another called Ban Azel was sold to Emperor Franz Josef for the stud at Lipizza. A grey named Skowronek came from the Antoniny stud. While the stallions Urcus and Van Dyck were studded to Spain.
During World War I and the Russian Revolution, Slawuta, Bialocerkiew, and Antoniny studs were destroyed. Count Josef Potocki owned the Antoniny stud. He inherited some Slawuta horses through his mother, Maria, daughter of Prince Roman Sanguszko. Count Potocki died (in 1918) defending his stud from the Bolsheviks. His mares were burned alive and his stallions hanged or beheaded. This whole scene gives another yet reason why the Poles hated the Russians.
The desert stallion, Pharaoh, was purchased from Crabber stud (founded by Wilfred and Anne Scawen Blunt), in 1882, and other stallions came from Egypt, Turkey, India, and Arabia. The Blunts purchased what was left of the Arabians of Abbas Pasha I. These horses were the basis of U.K., U.S., Austrailian, and South African Arabians.
The Dzieduszycki family had studs at Jarczowce that were lost, stolen or killed off during World War I. Count Juliusz brought the desert stallion, Bagdad for an enormous price. In 1845, he returned with seven (7) stallions; including Abu Hejl, and three mares (Sahara, Mlecha, and Gazella).
Of the five hundred (500) broodmares from Polish stud farms, only forty-six (46) were still alive in 1926.
However, the state stud at Janow Podlaski (founded in 1817), in 1918, had four mares from the Jarczowce's blood (the three mares mentioned above). In 1926, a Polish Arab horse breeding society was established.
In 1803, Prince Sanguszko was the first to import horses from the east. The studs were Slawuta (b. 1877), Chrestowska, Antoniny, and Gumniska. Prince Roman Sanguszko was killed during the Russian Revolution in 1917. At Gumniska, Prince Roman III gathered the rest of the remaining Polish studs and breed mares. In 1919, the breeding program was re-established at Janow Podlaski. Witraz, Otir, Makuta, Dziwa, and Fetysz were bred there.
In 1930, Prince Roman sent his stud manager, Boghan von Zietarski and German Carl Schmidt (later known as Raswan) to buy new Arabs. They acquired Bedouin (a mare) and a stallion of the kehilan haifi strain. Then, in 1931, von Zietarski returned to Gumniska with five stallions and four mares (including Bedouin, the pearl of Arabia).
Kuhailan Zaid (a stallion) was purchsed for Babolna, the Hungarian state stud ranch. The other stallions were Kuhailan Haifi and Kuhailan Afas (ancestors of Comet) Among the foals born to Kuhailan Haifi was Ofir, a great Polish sire. Ofir was at Janow Podlaski from 1937 until 1939, when he was taken by the Russians.
The four males and four females that were saved were Witraz, Weiki Szlem, and Witwz II. Witraz's son, Bask, became the leading sire of the U.S.A. champions. Witraz's mare heirs were Bandola (the "Legend of Janow") who produced Bandos and Banat (stud stallions).
Kukailan Haifi sired Czort who sired the race horses: Sambor and El Paso.
In September 1939, the Soviets took the Janow Podlaski studs including Ofir. Ofir was then the stud at Tersk and made a contribution to the Russian Arabians. The Tersk stud was founded on French, Crabbat, and Polish bloodlines.
In 1944, Janow Podlaski was evacuated to Germany. These studs were returned to Poland in 1946. The sons of Ofir were Witraz, Wielki Szilem, and Amuruth Sahib. In 1946, fifty-two (52) mares were registered in the Polish Arab horse stud book.
By 1961, Janow Podlaski was completed. In 1973, three more stud farms were established: Michalow (the largest state stud farm after World War II), Kurozweki (with champions Euforia and Eukaliptus), and Bialka. Polish Arab horses were sought by breeders all over the world. Banat, Bandos, Struria, Penitent, Pilarska, Dornaba, Aramus, Wizja, Gwalior, Elkana, and Erros were some of the best. Dr Skorkowski and Dr. Ignacy Jaworowsky were responsible for their breeding success.
Poland and Hungary often exchanged breeding stock. For 173 years Hungary was ruled by the Turks until they became a part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1699. (this history is from here)
Follow the lines - song: Anyway, Anyhow, Anywhere, artist: David Bowie covering Pete townsend, album: Pinups
Wow. That is alot of impressive history all in one place. You've told me alot of this in person, but seeing it all here blows my mind.
I don't even know that much about my own family history. lol!
LOL! Did you read it all?? Yeah, shame that I can prattle off my horses's lineage better than my own, isn't it? I think they have more titles, too.
Out of all of the history on the various lines of Arabian horses, I think that the Polish Arab has the neatest! I loved reading about Annie and her ancestors. Thank you!!! I am such a nerd!!
I did a report on the Polish Arab when I was in high school, so it was good to have my memory refreshed just now.
I checked out the stallion the you bred her to, and he looks like a great match. I bet you are terribly excited for this foal.
Are you planning on keeping it?
A report on Polish Arabs- very cool! So you must know your horses! What a shame the way they killed some of them! Shocking!!
I have been going to the Nationals for years now and always try to see the halter horses. I've seen so many of them. It's fun!
I have a book on Polish Arabs with all her ancestor's photos except for her mother and father. But I have found photos of Fantastka and AH Gallant on AllbreedPedigree. Also, there is a black and white drawing of a head shot of Fantastka that a Polish artist, Margaret Swiertok, drew which I've seen. It reminds me so much of Annie!
I really hope the foal comes out nice. I can hardly wait!
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